Live presentation: FrameBreaking talent development

Learn a new way of thinking about work experiences

For organizations interested in applying the FrameBreaking concepts without using our structured tools, we offer short presentations on the FrameBreaking Experience Model:

  • Introduce the importance of learning from experience
  • Why learning from experience doesn’t always take place
  • Introduction to the FrameBreaking Experience Model
  • How to successfully drive your own development
  • Optional Exercise: Apply FrameBreaking to current work challenges (requires internet access and participant access to a laptop, tablet or modern smartphone)

Typical Engagement

  • Audience Professionals and leaders at any level
  • Format Live 60-120 minute presentation, delivered in-person or virtually
  • Outcomes Participants learn about the importance of work experiences to personal development; and learn a simple and intuitive method for evaluating the development potential of experiences (optional: 12-month access to the tool to support ongoing learning from work experiences).

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